Hello guys, I figured it was easier to contact you all this way then it would be to email every single one.

I've been getting a lot of emails lately about the version compatibility issues with the skins.
I'm aware of them, but am running into a problem, so I thought maybe I'd call on my customer base to help :)

Here's my problem. I run vShare 2.4, and probably always will. I have made so many customizations to my site that upgrading it will be almost the same and starting from a fresh install.

Since I don't have a copy of vShare 2.6 myself, I'm not too familiar with the workings of it.

Right now, I'm working with a few of my customers who are running v2.6 and getting familiar with the way it works and whatnot.
I'd say probably within the next 3-5 days, I will be making a notice to all customers with an updated version of the skin they bought who run 2.6.

So, if you are running version 2.6, and have bought one of my skins, please reply to this post, and/or email me at [email protected]
and I will issue you an update when it becomes available.

Also, I'm taking skin requests. If you would like to see a particular color or style of a site (for example, if you saw a good looking tube site somewhere, and would like me to make a vshare skin like that, let me know.

Please posts your requests here in the forum. DO NOT EMAIL ME WITH REQUESTS PLEASE!
