
I'm wondering if any of you are intrested in helping me test my Music Uploader. Please note it is in very early beta testing. A working version is viewable on my site, as such I know it works, but there are still alot of functions which do not work correctly, and have been disabled due to this.

The coding is available as means to use for futher developments you may do so but you are not allowed to resell the coding, I'm offering this for such a low price as it is a beta and maybe with the whole community working on it, vShare will be able to provide a fully working audio section in the future.

If the vShare admin wishes he may buy the script at the same price and work on the coding and get this up and running!

Please read the README FILE, and make sure you make a backup of your installation before using.

I will repeat this is in very early beta stage, and as such I won't be held responsible for any mishaps that may occur, always remember to read the README file and make a backup before using. The coding has been tested, however it may not work on all occations!

There are a couple of files that need modified in order to use this mod, and are shown within the README file.

Here is the link for download!


Also here is the link to the includes folder which you will need to upload the root of your vShare installation. This will not overwrite any settings, instead it will create a file called audio_funtion.php which calls the functions in order to upload and store the data in the database.


Use at your own risk, or develope apon it, whatever you do, please do not resell the coding this has been provided to help benifit the vShare community not to make a profit from!

Kindest Regards,