Hey there!

Great thx to developers for vShare!

But I have a big problem: "[ERROR: 6] Missing a temporary folder."
I can't upload any vids. :(

By the way..
Global path to directory: /var/www/web68/web/
Local(FTP) path to directory: /web/
So.. I tried to change uu_default_config.pm in cgi-bin:
$base_dir = '/var/www/web68/web';

$config = {
	config_file_name         => 'uu_default_config',
	temp_dir                 => $base_dir . '/templates_c/',
	upload_dir               => $base_dir . '/video/',
	unique_upload_dir        => 0,
	unique_upload_dir_length => 16,
	unique_file_name         => 0,
	unique_file_name_length  => 16,
	max_upload               => 20971520000,
	overwrite_existing_files => 0,
	redirect_after_upload    => 1,
	param_dir                => $base_dir . '/templates_c/',
	pass_param_dir           => 1,
	redirect_url             => 'http://my_site/upload.php',
	redirect_using_js_html   => 1,
	redirect_using_html      => 0,
	redirect_using_js        => 0,
	redirect_using_location  => 0,
	get_data_speed           => 1000,
	disallow_extensions      => '(sh|php|php3|php4|php5|py|shtml|phtml|cgi|pl|plx|mp3|exe|scr|htaccess|htpasswd)',
	allow_extensions         => '(3gp|mp4|mov|asf|avi|flv|wmv|mpg|mpeg|mpeg4|xvid|divx|3gpp)',
	normalize_file_names     => 1,
	normalize_file_delimiter => '_',
	normalize_file_length    => 32,
	link_to_upload           => 0,
	path_to_upload           => 'http://'. $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} . '/uploads/',
	send_email_on_upload     => 0,
	html_email_support       => 0,
	link_to_upload_in_email  => 0,
	email_subject            => 'Uber File Upload',
	to_email_address         => '[email protected],[email protected]',
	from_email_address       => '[email protected]',
	log_uploads              => 0,
	log_params               => 0,
	log_dir                  => $base_dir . '/templates_c/',
I tried to change basedir to
$base_dir = '/web';
but it doesn't work too!
Permission to 'teplates_c' is 777.

So.. Where is the err?