I just wanted to share my latest work. I do not have time to put together a full "How To" at the moment, but I just had to share. ;)

First off, I have replaced my sites search function with Google Site search and Web Search using the Custom Search from Google. You can give it a try by searching for something on my site and you will see what I mean.

Also, I have added some new stuff to the profile pages. I have added a Online Status Indicator, Random User Video, and User Blog. See My Profile: http://www.thejesustv.com/uprofile.php?UID=2

Other little tweaks include the image rollover for video thumbs as well as setting things up to be more interactive. For instance when I am logged in and I go to my profile I see and Edit My Profile link and the page is setup for me. If someone else views my profile it is setup for a viewer.

Anyway, I am really excited about these new features/changes, and would love to hear what you think.

Thanks, Jereme