Came up with this idea to allow thumbnail embeds on forums and sites, but couldn't find an easy way to do it. Others are doing it here, but here is the code for all. THIS SHOULD BE ADDED TO 2.7 as a default. Every one should offer this. This is for the view video page/template.

here is the code:

Forum / BBCode:

<div style="font-size: 11px"> (Put this thumbnail and link on a forum or bulletin board!)
<input name="video_link" value="[img]{$tmburl}/1_{$}.jpg[/img]Watch {$video_info.title} on" size="42" onclick=javascript:document.linkForm.video_link.focus();; readOnly>

(Put this thumbnail and link on a forum or bulletin board!)
And here is the code for regular sites to embed the thumbnail and link, instead of your player.

<input name="video_link" value="[img]{$tmburl}/1_{$}.jpg[/img]Watch {$video_info.title} on" size="42" onclick=javascript:document.linkForm.video_link.focus();; readOnly>