Hello there,

I have a server with has been setup with the correct modules and settings. I have vshare 2.8 installed.

The problem is the video is not converting correctly.

Here is the process log

STARTING VIDEO CONVERSION (process_queue.id = 3)File: /home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/video/506.mp4

$file_extn = mp4

SELECT * FROM `videos` WHERE `video_id`=3
Video id: 3 Video Output File Name : /home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/flvideo/4ca4238a0b/13550018671484597182.flv$video_flv = Video Output File Name : /home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/flvideo/4ca4238a0b/13550018671484597182.flv Find video duration - START/usr/bin/mplayer -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify /home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/video/506.mp4 Source Video bitrate: 0 Duration (mplayer): 0 DURATION: 00:00Create Thumbnail - STARTCreate Thumbnail with mplayer - END $cmd_convert_v = convert_mp4 478 $cmd_convert = /usr/bin/mencoder '/home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/video/506.mp4' -o /home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/flvideo/4ca4238a0b/13550018671484597182.flv -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:last_pred=3 -srate 22050 -ofps 24 -vf harddup

Return value: Running flvtool2: /usr/bin/flvtool2 -U /home/xxxxx/public_html/vshare/flvideo/4ca4238a0b/13550018671484597182.flvUPDATE `process_queue` SET `status`='6' WHERE `id`='3' ERROR: failed video conversion. Back
Could someone help me solve the issue please?

Kind Regards,
