I have a few questions to ask you guys

1- I would like to know if this video media sharing script can handle unlimited video uploads?

2- Can copy videos from other sites to place onto this script or do I have to use my own vid. cam??

3- Can users upload there own videos, and dose this script allows all different types of video format ??

4- dose this script comes w payment processors besides paypal or can I accept money orders or check, but just in case I would need a
small money order payment mode ??

5- Can I put a pause on members vid. uploads and do I have an option to rotate videos??

6- is this script full customizable , like being able to change index page design , fonts, colors and placing banners, texlinks Etc.?

7- is there any bugs?

8- some of the videos I have checked out from your sample video media , I noticed that most of the vids are kind of blury , dose the uploads depends on the type of cam being used also is there a way for the admin to edit the uploads as far as enhancing clarity??

9- The reason why I'm asking all these questions is because I only have enough money to purchase one media , so thus I can not afford
to buy a broken media that have so have so much bugs
10- Is There a way to disable share detail due to some crule people , some might copy & paste then try to put a viruse in the share detail ?
11- Is this script secured from hacking?

12- Do you guys provide hosting for this media?
13- also do you guys provide telephone contact?

Thank You,