Inactive videos still show up in some places on the site when they should not do:

On the users profile page they show up in the "New Videos" and "Popular Videos"

On the Channels page in "Recently Added" and "Top Watched videos" and on "Most Active Users in the Channel" it can display the image of an inactive video for the user if it was the last video he uploaded.

On the "add videos" to group page

On the "add topic" or "add reply" you can attach an inactive video.

On the Tags page it still displays tags for inactive videos which can be clicked to show the inactive video.

inactive videos get added to the video count (public and private) in the users profile (head_bottom/user_links.tpl), it would say "Public Videos (45)" but if 1 was inactive they would really only have 44 when they view the users videos.

The "video_inactive.tpl" in admin templates has the wrong CSS file URL hard coded into it.