Quote Originally Posted by SportsGamingTV.com
Original File - Just an ordinary file, before anything has been done to it.

Branded File - Notice the logo (or closest I have to one) at the top, and url at the bottom of the video. I also added a splash to the last few seconds of the video. This was something I just threw together as a sample and forgot to compensate for how YT stretches videos, but you get the idea.
Sorry, but after receiving 21,000 views in 24 hours, the league (user name NetResult) asked YT to scrap this video. You can find the branded sample on Megavideo instead.

Please note that I have enough to keep me busy here for the next couple of days, so to try to make an incentive for people to upload themselves, I will reduce the price of the video branding alone to 5 for $5, and will supply you with a list of sites you can submit to. That offer is only valid until Friday.