We do not sell vshare in ebay for $2.
If you're talking about this, he's probably engaging in copyright infringment and admin might want to contact ebay and have this guy suspended or prosecuted. sim_dealer_jimbob

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0146488685

It is not advisible to purchase any software from ebay unless you get a commercial used CD or something but other than that, be very cautious.

Here's a story for ya...it all started when my son received an enquiry from some clown in Nigeria or something, through craigslist, to cash a check or some nonesense. Y'all have probably seen those spam emails.

Anyway, my son knew what was up, and had the Nigerian Clown send the check. The check, it turned out, was legitimate. My son then contacted the person whose name appeared on the check, we'll call him "George".

George bought some software from someone on ebay which sucked all his personal information from his computer and sent it to the Nigerian Clown and his cronies who then drained all George's bank accounts. George was thrilled to hear from my son and my son mailed George back his check as well as forwarded all the emails my son received from Nigerian Clown.

Don't let this happen to you!