I have version 2.6 and the template is much more SEO... I have seen more hits from search engines.... if you are like me, you may run into bandwidth issues (I run an adult site).... I found a way to "offload" my flv thumb pics, logos and other static images which made my site go from loading in about 12secs to loading in about .5 secs (same speed as youtube. Rude loads in about 7secs)

Unlike other CDN services -- this one required me to only insert code into the "src" line on my pages
Example -- after you implement the offload service, you change "src=mypic.gif" to "srcx=mypic.gif"
This tells my site to pull the image from their servers,a nd not mine... speeds up my site as the image are cached world wide.. and saves me tons of bandwidht (this is especially good for those with shared servers - I've been kicked off a few due to traffic)

DO NOT do this for the header where you see anything about "yahoo" or "google" however.. these seem to be how vshare tells the comments to post... Try it out and let me know what you think -- also, Im hooking up with some CDNs for the video files -- I'll report back prices etc when I've evaluated them.. anyone using offload or CDN already? Any thoughts?

Heres the link to the offload service:

Tell them Browniegirl sent cha