I tried to use HD FLV Player by Agriya. Followed all the steps mentioned in this forum above (except for few changes for the swf file names in player.inc). The player shows a black screen and no videos is played.

My player.inc file is as follwos:


if($config['player_autostart'] == 1) {
	$auto_play = "true";
} else {
	$auto_play = "false";

$vshare_player = <<<EOT

<script type="text/javascript" src="{$config["baseurl"]}/player2/swfobject.js"></script>

<p id="vshare_player">Get Flash to see this player.</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
		var so1 = new SWFObject("{$config["baseurl"]}/player2/HDplayer.swf", "HDplayer", "{$config[player_width]}", "{$config[player_height]}", "7",  null, true);
		so1.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true");
		so1.addParam("allowSciptAccess", "always");
		so1.addVariable("autoplay", "{$auto_play}");
		so1.addVariable("config", "{$config["baseurl"]}/player2/player_config.php?id={$video_id}");
		so1.addVariable("playList", "{$config["baseurl"]}/player2/playlist_xml.php?id={$video_id}");
Please help if someone knows about the HD player to work.

Thanks a million.