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Thread: Uploading Error From YouTube

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Uploading Error From YouTube

    When I upload videos from within the admin section it seems to workin fine. However when I try to upload a video from YouTube or any other remote server the video never shows up anywhere. It's no where on the site under any category. I looked at my Debug.txt file and it looks like this:

    2008-08-04 21:08:52 Upload Finished
    2008-08-04 21:08:52 STARTING VIDEO CONVERSION ( = 1)
    2008-08-04 21:08:52 File: /home/nexustx/public_html/video/YouTube-Tony Romo Is Love.flv
    2008-08-04 21:08:52 ERROR: file not found.
    2008-08-04 21:08:52 Calling process_video[1,0]
    2008-08-04 21:37:32 Upload Finished
    2008-08-04 21:37:32 STARTING VIDEO CONVERSION ( = 2)
    2008-08-04 21:37:32 File: /home/nexustx/public_html/video/YouTube-Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean - Hips Don't Lie (featuring Wyclef Jean).wmv
    2008-08-04 21:37:32 ERROR: file not found.
    2008-08-04 21:37:32 Calling process_video[2,0]

    Now I've seen some other posts in here and the answer you gave was that the file name shouldn't have any spaces in it. If that's what's causing my errors, how am I supposed to upload a video from YouTube that already has spaces in the name of it?
    If that's not the problem I'm having disregard that last question.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    The support for this script is pitiful...I gave up on trying to get the script to work.

    I suggest anyone looking for a full functional, easy to setup and FREE youtube clone script to check out

    They rock and they actually answer support questions.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    Login to admin area = > Video Processing = > Import Video => enter information => download video.

    After that click on process quee in the left side menu.

    Click edit button = > Download now and access

    After that edit button = > Convert now and access

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by nexustx
    The support for this script is pitiful...I gave up on trying to get the script to work.
    Don't blame the script or the support here, just because you lack technical ability. Hundreds of webmasters have gotten vshare working quite well on their sites. It takes me fifteen minutes to set up a vshare site.

    I tried that other script you mentioned, and spent some time on their board. The forum is pretty much in existence to get your email address. They are not there to help YOU, they are there to sell you something. Join their board and watch your spam level increase. Everything you want you have to pay for (like thumbnails on the video), they have no video import whatsoever, and it does not have a fraction of the features that vshare has. Their forum is basically a commercial message to get you to buy the script "add-ons" that are standard with vshare.

    They don't know much about security either. I tried that script once, and that night, I had hackers sending email through my server because they allowed .php files to be uploaded as avatars. Not very smart. When I posted about it on their forum, my post was deleted. They fixed that problem, but who knows how many other stupid security errors exist in that script! Of course, I dumped their script and replaced it with vshare. Sure hope your hosting abilities are better than your script configuration abilities, because if you use that script, you're going to be busy plugging security holes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    That still doesn't excuse the fact the it took over a week to respond to an error message.

    You are basically clueless when it comes to the lack of features you mentioned. Vidi has importers, thumbnails and all the other stuff you mentioned.

    As far as my "technical abilities" not all servers are set up the same. I'm sure you know this since you are the technical expert of the universe.

    I noticed you didn't offer a solution, instead just a personal attack.

    How about offering some help instead of trolling this board looking to flame someone.

    God bless you and have a good day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Germany - Deutschland

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    You have to excuse mersh because he appears to have some personal issues. Apparently he believes that a user forum is nothing more than a playground and that everyone wants to use vshare right out of the box, or for that matter, knows how to do everything with it right from the get go. Funny that you mentioned that though because I've read at least 40 or more of his posts so far, and they're all garbage. That mersh is even worse than the spammer that he keeps complaining about since has has a lot more posts that are just as useless. Must be nice to have so much time for a bunch of BS posts.

    As far as your YouTube error is concerned, how are those clips being uploaded onto your portal? I use videoswiper now because uploading one clip at a time was just incredibly time consuming, time of which I have far too little to begin with. Most of our clips come from YouTube too and the ones via videoswiper work just fine for us. You can view all the videos that you want and only pick the ones that you like. It's really cheap too. Check 'em out, here's the link:
    EinfachClicken - Family friendly, Fast, Fun, Informative
    Freebie Flashgames:
    GERMAN HOMEPAGE - TONS of FREE STUFF in over 40.000 files.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by EinfachClicken
    I use videoswiper now because uploading one clip at a time was just incredibly time consuming, time of which I have far too little to begin with.
    But you have time to read over 40 of my posts?

    I think you really need to get a life. Ask your mother to take you to a museum or a shopping mall or something... you obviously have way too MUCH time on your hands.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Germany - Deutschland

    Default Re: Uploading Error From YouTube

    But you have time to read over 40 of my posts?
    Well, umh, yes ... matter of fact, I did.
    But only because you pretend to be someone who has a lot to contribute here while being such a busybody with put-downs and obnoxious remarks for others. So I took the time, to see if I could learn something from you ... only to find out that you're nothing but a pompous windbag who has absolutely nothing to contribute at all. Yup, that's what I read 40 posts for, to find out that I was right all along ...
    ... You're so obviously just (still) a very immature, pimply faced kid in a dark basement somewhere, annoying everyone with your BS because that's all that you've ever learned to do. As I said, before, I really do feel quite sorry for you. You have my deepest sympathies, you poor child. I can feel your pain! :lol:
    Sweetie, I'm taking time out SPECIAL just for you! I mean, c'mon now, you tell me what kind of person this is?

    I think I recall that changing the video size in the embed code, only changes the size of the border that holds the video. The video itself when its embedded is always a constant size. I THINK that's right.
    Useless as can be, no help to anyone!

    Any idea what the deal is with the dates ranging from 2001 to 2031? the site's only had vshare on it for a year... guess it's not all that important, just wonder where it's getting these wacky dates.
    More uselss crap from mersh.

    and for whatever reason, Videoswiper goes out of business, what happens to all the videoswiper videos on my site? I understand they are not actually copied to my website, so.... what actually would happen?
    Geeeez, how stoopit can you be, to need an answer to that question?

    With all the legal headaches Google is having about YouTube and YouTube's blatant copyright violations, it's likely that there will be changes over time.
    Puuleeeze, don't just talk smack and assume. How about links with proof?

    If they release it without encoding, how do they keep people from just stealing and re-selling the script?
    Only an inexperienced child could possibly ask something lame-brained like that. But not mersh, because he's been around for years with his wisdom and experience - yet too stupid to recognize the obvious answer to such a question.

    Do you just need the script installed, or do you also need ffmpeg, mencoder and flvtool2 installed.... and are you certain you have the access you need to install these pre-requisite programs?
    You just can't help but to butt in. Nothing helpful to the question which had to do with the willingness to pay for an installation.

    heh you really are insecure aren't you? Thanks for spelling out for me the rudiments of running a business. We're all impressed with your knowledge.
    mersh never actually reads anything completely, if he did, he'd realize that at least 50% of his remarks have either already been answered, or that they're completely useless with no benefit to anyone, other than himself ????

    What makes you think any of that is legal? It's all entirely illegal copyright violation. Even YouTube is comprised largely of stolen videos.
    Most people know that uploaded videos on a public forum such as youtube will be seen worldwide by the public. youtube just allows them to reside on the server. It's the people who upload the videos who could potentially get sued, and not the host who can only be asked to remove the clip. Show us the lawsuits! How about some links you asinine filled with assumptions dork!

    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! My opinion after looking at your site and seeing your endless gabbering on this forum is, that you are a huge bag of hot air, and you think waayyyyyyyyyyy too highly of yourself and your questionable skills.
    This person (mersh) is just unbelievable! Who cares about your opinion and why are you constantly contributing crap? Do you ever read your own bullshit, or do you just "hit and run" because you don't have the integrity to view your own BS ???

    What do you mean by using "plugs" in your site? you mean some type of plug-in?
    No, they're talking about ear plugs you dimwitted twit.

    I just saw this thread for the first time. I imagine Galnet did a lot of banging of the head against the wall. Amazing. Sure would have liked to see this developed.
    Oh, yes, this is useful to someone, right?

    I saw something in another post about version 2.7 being called "Vshare Open Source" ... perhaps you'll get your wish....
    Oh, goodie, just as useless as the last remark.

    FILTHY FCUKING SPAMMERS! Would be great to see some of this garbage spam pruned away from the board.
    This uncivilized & uneducated jerk obviously needs a bar of soap between his teeth. Funny though, in all of my travels on this forum, only mersh seems to be so bothered by a little advertising here and there. I guess it's just another way to contribute more crap of his own, right along with the crap of any spammers.

    I just wonder if any of the mysql tables store the vshare root path... if so they would need to be changed also.
    Instead of constantly wondering, assuming, insinnuating, or being insulting ... why don't you spend more time HELPING others or by SHUTTING UP with your obnoxious saliva?

    I don't see how ANYONE can run this script efficiently on a shared host.... dedicated server is the only way to go if you really want to have a prosperous site.
    More useless feces that does absolutely nothing positive for anyone at all. Although, if someone just wanted a personal friends & family video site, a shared host would work just fine. Couldn't think of that one, eh, mersh?

    Hey dipshit, do you have anything else for this forum besides a dozen spam posts for your garbage converters?
    Oh yeah, you are just soooooo constructive on this forum, mersh ... ???

    I know another "free" script like vshare, that pushes Video Swiper HEAVILY, and my guess is they are the same people. When I installed their script, within hours I had hackers
    Again, absolutely nothing constructive that anyone could actually make real use of.

    I don't think you can run this on Windows.
    This one here is proof positive to me, that you're some pimply faced kid in a basement somewhere. What a waste of time ....

    Sorry, don't know. I don't think this forum is getting much traffic lately...
    Thanks for telling us mersh. Nobody here had noticed ....

    Blazing Eagle - you should change your screen name to Spamming Eagle...
    Yep, that's mersh again, just being the useful professional ....

    The support for this script is pitiful...I gave up on trying to get the script to work. Don't blame the script or the support here, just because you lack technical ability. Hundreds of webmasters have gotten vshare working quite well on their sites.
    Just like mesh, isn't it? Complaints and blatant assumptions with nothing helpful whatsoever. Oh, but just you wait and see what happens if you "dare" to say anything unpleasant about vshare. Mersh will come and rip your tongue out, slit your throat, and give you a virtual columbian necktie for being human and not too pleased by the lack of support. Man, I have seen some useless crap in my life, but the crap from mersh just takes the cake. Everything that you see here, all in the past two months, and I'm sure that I've even left out some redundant bits of crap from mersh. Sure, a little good stuff too, but by and large just nothing but pure feces comments.

    Hey mersh, sweetie, dear child o' mine, are you awake yet?
    The only truly useless person in this forum is you, and I'll be happy to continue showing people what a dimwit you really are! And in case you're wondering, it's Saturday and I'm taking an early lunch, just to be with you, my bestest buddy and pal. Oh yeah, mersh and me forever, gotta love this kid, right? Think I'll set up a subdomain to honor mersh and give me a little something more to do. Then everyone in the world can learn about my good friend mersh and the intellect that's been spread around through his never ending wisdom!
    EinfachClicken - Family friendly, Fast, Fun, Informative
    Freebie Flashgames:
    GERMAN HOMEPAGE - TONS of FREE STUFF in over 40.000 files.

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