Ok so I have seen other topics in here about members asking how to add chat to their site. Instead of tossing this tutorial within their mess, I just added this topic. Bare with me because I have written tutorials before and always seem to make a typo or forget something. If you have any issues let me know and I will try to help. Also, the chat provider has customer support which isn't too bad. Ok here we go.

I added Userplane chat to my website. I have used this software several other times in many of my other websites, even adult. Now the best thing about Userplane is that you can integrate it to work with your database AND it's free. Oh, and it has audio and video! Woo Hoo!

Remember, I am writing this from memory and sometimes I tend to forget things so hit me up if something is wrong.

Step One -
Go to Userplane's Wiki and download the 'Example Code' and be prepared to unzip them. Now unzip the Userplane_Webchat2 folder. Note: If you don't have software for unzipping, find WinRAR.exe. It's probably on Download.com. Now open up your FTP to your root directory. Don't upload anything until the next step. :) Just to keep things in order.

Step Two -
Now I am going to hand you over to Userplane's docs to instruct you more. This will be better for you and easier for me. Go to Userplane's Steps to Integration and follow their instructions. Please don't just skim through it quickly because you are excited to add chat to your site. Read this thoroughly. When you are ready to upload the 'userplane' directory(folder), make sure you use PHP since that is what vshare is written in. Oh and make sure everything is inside of it that you need and just keep it called 'userplane'. Make sure to update the strFlashcomServer, strDomainID, strSessionGUID variables. And make sure....make sure...make sure....lol that's a lot of 'make sures'. sorry

Now that you have read through the instructions and uploading everything you need FTP, you are probably wondering how to add the strSessionGUID variable. Open userplane/wc.php and add the following code to the top of the file.
Now go down to about line 11 where you see -
	$strSessionGUID = '';          // The session identifier for the currently logged in user
and add the username session. So it will look like this.
	$strSessionGUID = $_SESSION['USERNAME'];          // The session identifier for the currently logged in user
Step Three -
Open up the userplane/CSXML.php file. Go down to about line 160-165, some where around there and you will see this code
// This first section is all about authenticating a sessionGUID that gets passed in
					$sessionGUIDsUserID = "INVALID";
					// Only validate the URL.sessionGUID if it is there, otherwise this could just be a data request for other users
					if( strlen(trim($strSessionGUID)) != 0 )
						$bSessionGUIDIsValidSession = true; // You need to put something in here that sets this boolean accurately
						if( $bSessionGUIDIsValidSession )
							$sessionGUIDsUserID = "639742"; // You need to lookup the userID that corresponds to the sessionGUID
							$userIDArray[] = $sessionGUIDsUserID;
There are a few things you need to change here. See below.
// This first section is all about authenticating a sessionGUID that gets passed in
					$sessionGUIDsUserID = $strSessionGUID;
					// Only validate the URL.sessionGUID if it is there, otherwise this could just be a data request for other users
					if( strlen(trim($strSessionGUID)) != 0 )
						$bSessionGUIDIsValidSession = $sessionGUIDsUserID; // You need to put something in here that sets this boolean accurately
						if( $bSessionGUIDIsValidSession )
							$sessionGUIDsUserID = $strSessionGUID; // You need to lookup the userID that corresponds to the sessionGUID
							$userIDArray[] = $sessionGUIDsUserID;
Step Four -
One you have uploaded the correct files and updated them with the correct variables. Email Userplane and tell them the request info from their docs in their step 7. Email Support for Account Creation. It will take about a day for them to set up your flash sever on their end and they will email you when its finished. Once you receive the email, you will need to add a link to your site. I removed the silly 'TAGS' link from my site and replaced it with the 'CHAT' link. I believe this is done in the templates/header.tpl file. Make sure if you are going to use their FREE software that you place THEIR ads at the bottom on your chat room. To do this just have the CHAT link open the userplane/wc_ads.php file. Note: Make sure that all links, include functions, and iframes point to the correct file location which all your files(except for CROSSDOMAIN.XML) should be inside your userplane directory (http://YOURDOMAIN.com/userplane/).

I think I am done but I am sure I thought tons of things so just reply and i will try to help.

If you want to customize your chat room look or add additional features to it like images, buddylist, instant messenger, edit the userplane/CSXML.php file or just read through userplane's docs or even give them a call.

Hope no one has any problems. :)