Quote Originally Posted by admin
This can happen to any site that allow hotlinking.
Duh... This is what we are trying to avoid. The problem is that disallowing hotlinking doesn't actually disallow hotlinking anymore. Newer browsers such as Firefox 3 and IE 8 (beta) pass referrer information without having to actually be on the site. When those browsers become more prominent, this will almost negate any efforts to prevent hotlinking with methods currently in place. Thus, people like myself are finding new ways to help prevent hotlinking.

Quote Originally Posted by admin
I see some site pass video id to FLV player and it fetches the url. Anyone with a proxy to monitor access or having flash decompiler can break it.
Yeah, but at this point, we are talking about users who know what they are doing. No hotlinking protection is going to be fool proof. People are always going to be able to get around blocks and such. The issue is not trying to make something that is fool proof. Rather, we are trying to come up with something that prevents people from being able to do it easily. As I stated before. Anything that can be read or displayed by a browser can be copied. What we are trying to do is come up ways to make it harder to copy.