Actually, I'm going to chime in here.

The fact of the matter is that regardless of how bigoboy stated it, he is actually right. It's my product; I can charge whatever I want for it based upon what I feel the product is valued at. Now, if you do not like that, so be it. But, going on about this in my thread is completely disrespectful to me or my services. If you do not like my pricing, you can take it up with me in private (pm or email me) if you truly want my product. Otherwise, I started this thread to offer a service to you (you being the community). If you do not want the service, keep moving along. Find someone else who will build what you want at the price you want to pay. My services are not a democracy. They are a dictatorship and I am the dictator. You can ask me for something, but if I say no, that's the end of it.

Quite honestly, it's stuff like this that makes me NOT want to offer my services. I spend a lot of my hard earned time and money offering both free and paid services with much of it being free support to people who use this forum. Yet, some of you guys act like I owe you something. Yes, this is a free forum, but have some respect for people who are trying to offer you a value-add to better enhance your own ventures. After all, I do not have to build mods or offer my services.