I just want to discuss about the obstacles of making your vshare site a success. I see a lot of sites in the forum that have open up and closed within a year. At first I was curious to why that is? Until now, where I'm almost reaching that point myself. I have almost 20,000 vids in different category (mostly embedded 80/20 ratio), with 170+ register users BUT no one wants to upload anything. I have only 7-8 vids uploaded by these users, funny right? So my question is, is there a secret to how to get people to upload videos. Is it because I should upload more videos instead of embeding to encourage more traffic which = more site exposure?

As for driving traffic, I think I tried almost everything from making a facebook page, posting videos on youtube, seo, posting links in forums. Traffic would be high only on the forum posting date and would drop accordingly on the upcoming days. So please share your secret or advice is appreciated. I just don't want give up a site that I've work on for almost a year but if it's not performing well and making money than I think I should :(:(

Thanks/ Aston