It's not necesary.

I has fixed the problem..


You only need to modify the file in Include folder.

public function get_related_videos($video_id)
global $config , $servers;

$video_info = $this->get_video_info($video_id);

$keyword = trim($video_info['video_keywords']);
$keyword = mysql_clean($keyword);
#echo $keyword;

$tag = new Tags($keyword, $video_id, '', '0||0');
$tags = $tag->get_tags();
#echo "<pre>";print_r($tags);echo "</pre>";

$related_vid = array();

#for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags); $i ++)
# $sql = "SELECT tv.vid FROM
# `tag_video` AS tv,
# `tags` AS t WHERE
# t.tag='" . mysql_clean($tags[$i]) . "'
# GROUP BY tv.vid";
# $result = mysql_query($sql) or mysql_die($sql);
# while ($tmp_array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
# {
# $tmp = $tmp_array['vid'];
# if (! in_array($tmp, $related_vid))
# {
# $related_vid[] = $tmp;
# }
# }
# unset($tmp_array);
#echo count($related_vid);

#if (count($related_vid) < 2)
$sql = "SELECT `video_id` FROM `videos` WHERE
`video_user_id`='" . (int) $video_info['video_user_id'] . "' AND
`video_channels` LIKE '".$video_info['video_channels']."' AND
`video_type`='public' AND
`video_active`=1 AND
ORDER BY `video_id` DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or mysql_die($sql);

while ($tmp_array = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
if (! in_array($tmp_array['video_id'], $related_vid))
$related_vid[] = $tmp_array['video_id'];

# Find Position Of Curent Video in related_vid array
Y put in BOLD the changes.. as you can see.. when you import from YOUTUBE, the TAGS create all the problem...

You must QUIT or Make Unavailable this SELECT line

$sql = "SELECT tv.vid FROM
`tag_video` AS tv,
`tags` AS t WHERE AND
t.tag='" . mysql_clean($tags[$i]) . "'
GROUP BY tv.vid";
Then, the result is lower 2 and the system perform a second SELECT but at this time.. from the VIDEOS TABLE...

In this SELECT you must ADD a new WHERE condition..

`video_channels` LIKE '".$video_info['video_channels']."' AND
The result is this... look

A-021 Android: Picker Views y List Views - VB-MUNDO VIDEOS
