Never mind people................i got it figured out and solved......... thanks for looking anyway
Type: Posts; User: Quantum
Never mind people................i got it figured out and solved......... thanks for looking anyway
My site was working fine until today, i was editing the site and now ; will not load unless i use
This happen today, so now the only way to open the...
Thanks alot for this small but important update. i have been wondering what the problem can possibly be.
this helps alot.
The original template is sold by vShare Youtube Clone Templates ...
All i did was modified the color, style, borders , templates and other coding including some js files.
Hey guys,
I will like a little input about the modification i have done to my site.
Let me know what could make it better -- ADULT
You have this error b/cos you have progress bar enable.
To disable upload Progress Bar, you need to make following changes
Open /include/settings/upload.php
I have these same problem...........also when i enable the progress bar and try to upload a video i get an error.
ERROR: Failed to find flength file
How can these be fixed
This should help you out.
Have you checked the " footer.tpl " in the template folder and the footer.php file in the root directory.
Try That.
Hey people,
I need some help fixing this issue.
When a user logs in, it's fine , but when they go to a different page, they get logged out and they have to sign back in.
Is there any place...
You Only admitted to it because i said something about it.
Am glad i save you 2 min. but next time, it might cost you to reload your whole site.
Just giving you a friendly talk.....
And as...
At " anth0ny - "
Hey if you going to come to my site an copy copy , at least give credit
or ask, .You copied everything on my header, js and image file for it. WOW how...
my site is up and running and i have many ad spot i will like to offer for paid ad at a very low price.
1. Absolute top bar: appears on all page all the time - $3/ month = Text
Hey Guys,
i need some help with this.
I have enable the progress bar in the " upload.php file" . But i get this error...
Progress: ERROR: Failed to find flength file.
No not really, i have not tested anything on 2.8 Beta.
Am running 2.7 . i want something that can download 5-10 videos at once from my desktop to a specific video category or channel.
Am sure...
Thanks for taking the time to check
Also, Note taken mark as ADULT next time
I just need some feedback on the modification to the template on my site.
Thanks yall for the comments
Do you actually think that someone on here with a script of $10 will give you £99.99 for this mod.?
Just my thought no offense
I don't know if it's just me.
But a mod with mass video upload will be nice. uploading video one by one is kind a lil hard.
Who else think this will be a good mod..
Ha ha ha
I just got this script, i have made some customization
Check it out
Let me know what you think .
Still need some ideas.