I found a really nice FREE comment script that I wanted to share with y'all called "TalkBack" found at http://www.scripts.oldguy.us/

What's nice about it is that I only have to install it once and use a "php include" to the page that's running it and each page that the include is on (yes, it's the same include page) uses the script to post comments to that particular page. It has reCaptcha (all you have to do is go get an API key from reCaptcha--uber easy) to help block spam and an Admin panel with configuration options. It even comes with addons for things like ratings. I thought it was pretty slick so wanted to share. I haven't tried using this with vShare but I'm sure it can be done, especially since all you really have to do is a php include. I figured this would be pretty good if you have any kind of blog thing going.