That is actually being set from the view_video.php file. In the file, line's 156-162, it states:
PHP Code:
if ($_SESSION['UID'] != $video_info['video_user_id'])
$sql = "UPDATE `users` SET
`user_video_viewed`=`user_video_viewed`+1 WHERE
`user_id`='" . (int) $video_info['video_user_id'] . "'";
mysql_query($sql) or mysql_die($sql);
If your total isn't increasing (and the user is logged in, watching videos), then this line is either commented out or missing altogether.
Also, make sure that in your user.tpl file, you have something similiar to:
PHP Code:
Videos Watched <b>{$user_info.user_video_viewed}</b> times<br />
And not something like:
PHP Code:
Videos Watched <b>0</b> times<br />
Because that would do it too.