Good afternoon,
We own a top of the line server (new 5 months ago) with oodles of RAM and performance, latest PHP, 64bit Debian OS, etc. We're running a gigantic domain in germany with tons of free and useful information. It's basically a public service site which isn't making us any money and won't be until we're finished with additional design options later in the year.

Our most recent public addition was our branded version of vshare. However, we know little to nothing about the best manner in which to set up our server and vshare admin settings so that our clips will perform as flawlessly as possible ... flawless meaning more or less as SMOOTHLY as possible, with the least amount of wait-time while watching a clip. If it's possible, we'd like to set it all up to run as smoothly (or close as possible) as watching TV, with the least amount of wait time (little to no pauses) while watching clips.

We're willing to pay a reasonable fee (via paypal) if someone can provide us with all of the best settings in text form, that we should be implementing on the server and the latest vshare admin panel (just installed it about 2 weeks ago). So far we've had very few problems - clips are working fine - uploads are working, etc. We just want for everything to be as fast and smooth as can possibly be! We don't want useful hints, but rather, we're willing to pay for the factual information/settings, written in a way that most normal folks can actually digest, that will offer the best VIEWING PERFORMANCE to our guests. We DO NO ANTICIPATE more than 50 members within the next 12 months, so the VIEWING EXPERIENCE is the most important to us.

PLEASE ... only replies from people who really know what they're talking about ... since we don't. :wink:
Thanks a lot for your time.
