You can now download video from url and add to your site.

If you are using vShare Release: 20070625, download

Not available for download as it is part of latest vshare

unzip and upload to your server in BINARY mode. After doing this, login to admin (you may need to clear cache in your browser), you will see a new link "Import Video".

To import a video, you need to provide url to the video file. With this feature, you can now upload video with FTP to a web accessible folder, then use the url to add the video to your web site.

To import video from sites like, you need to find video url first. You can use sites like to find url of the video file.

Current version of import script only work if the file download url have a valid file extension (google video do not have this, some youtube video is from google).

You can only use this if you are using vShare release: 20070625, if you are using older version, it can break your site, so first upgrade to latest release.