If your viewers on Mac with Firefox see the video view page out of alignment (right column of upcoming videos, tags etc extend out into the background) then you can fix it by making one number change in the video_view.tpl file.

About line 184

60 is the length of the box where the permalink shows up. On Firefox Mac the font size or something is a bit larger and it forces the box to extend to the right too far, which forces the whole table wider.

Change it to 50. Now it works. FF on Mac will show the link box nearly to the right of the column, FF Win or Safari will show a slightly narrower text field. It doesn't matter as a very long link would not have fully shown anyway. It still copies correctly by clicking on it.

If you are Mac and you want to see the difference. View a video on the vshare test site and then try one of my pages to see the format change. The problem did not occur in v2.5; this fix is for v2.6 only.