Hi kids...

I need a little help. I have been sick as a dog ever since I got back from Vegas and I mean seriously sick...don't know when/if this virus that's kicking my ass will ever go away...but I need a script kind of thingie that will generate an rss feed for updated pages to a web site and I'm too sick to figure it out on my own, which is normally what I would do.

What I need is something that will have a form on a php page to create the information for the feed, put the info into a database and then generate the rss feed doc for the site which I will link the rss icon to for people to subscribe to. Does this make sense?

Anybody got such a thing or know where I can get one? I tried surfing the 'net for stuff but I'm too sick to concentrate on it to get anything I've found to work.

I was thinking maybe something like this http://www.webreference.com/cgi-bin/perl/makerss.pl
or this
http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/showtopic63373.htm or this http://www.seopher.com/how-to-write-rss-generator.php
or this
http://www.plus2net.com/php_tutorial/php_rss.php I like this last one but no clue how to get it to connect to the database.