I have deployed the VSHARE as per given instructions. All goes well except on the top of every page I get following string.

marty)) { STemplate::create(); } return $Smarty->get_template_vars(); } } ?>ext' // so we have to check whether binary... case 'IMAGE': case 'LONGBLOB': case 'BLOB': case 'MEDIUMBLOB': return !empty($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X'; case 'YEAR': case 'DATE': return 'D'; case 'TIME': case 'DATETIME': case 'TIMESTAMP': return 'T'; case 'INT': case 'INTEGER': case 'BIGINT': case 'TINYINT': case 'MEDIUMINT': case 'SMALLINT': if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) return 'R'; else return 'I'; default: return 'N'; } } } } ?>

Please help me eliminate this string.
