I have searched and read through this forum with no sucess to this issue and I also sent an email to my host and they have no idea what could be causing this uploading issue. So hopefully someone here can help,thanks...

I have just upgraded my vshare script from 2.6 to 2.7 and now when I upload an
video instead of taking me to the confirmation page I am redirected the upload
page again (the first page you see when you upload an video), and the video
dose not show up on the website. Also when I checked in the admin section
under Video Processing>>>> Process Queue the video is stuck on Convert
Started Status. When I try to reconvert the video it comes up with an
conversion error ( I have an copy of the conversion log below for reference).
So vshare 2.6 worked fine but when I upgraded to version 2.7 the conversion
stopped working this has been driving me nuts, I have the log that vshare
created below to help you out. Also I am on an shared hosting envirement, Thanks in advance for your help.....


My Hosting provider http://www.extreme-hosting.net
PHP 5+

My website is http://www.allyourpix.com

the login details to upload an test vid is


username: testname
password: test123

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VSHARE LOG BELOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

STARTING VIDEO CONVERSION (process_queue.id = 40)

File: /home/u7200288/allyourpix.com/video/vanessa-nachas.avi

$file_extn = avi

$re_process_vid = 0

$rand_flv_name = 12418499791206957488.flv


INSERT INTO `videos` SET `video_user_id`='7', `video_seo_name`='tttt-1',
`video_title`='tttt', `video_description`='tttt', `video_keywords`='tttt',
`video_channels`='0|27|23|0', `video_name`='vanessa-nachas.avi',
`video_flv_name`='12418499791206957488.flv', `video_add_time`='1241849979',
`video_add_date`='2009-05-09', `video_type`='public', `video_active`='0',
`video_approve`='1', `video_folder`='4ca4238a0b/'

UPDATE `process_queue` SET `vid`='35' WHERE `id`='40'

Video id: 35

Video Output File Name :
$video_flv = Video Output File Name :

Find video duration - START
/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i

FFmpeg version SVN-rUNKNOWN, Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=${prefix}/lib --shlibdir=${prefix}/lib
--incdir=${prefix}/include/ffmpeg --enable-shared --enable-libmp3lame
--enable-gpl --enable-libfaad --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --enable-libvorbis
--enable-pthreads --enable-libfaac --enable-xvid --enable-libdts
--enable-amr_nb --enable-amr_wb --enable-pp --enable-libogg --enable-libgsm
--enable-x264 --enable-liba52 --enable-libtheora --extra-cflags=-Wall -g -fPIC
-DPIC --cc=ccache cc --enable-swscaler
  libavutil version: 49.4.0
  libavcodec version: 51.40.2
  libavformat version: 51.11.0
  built on Feb  4 2008 14:45:57, gcc: 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian
Input #0, avi, from '/home/u7200288/allyourpix.com/video/vanessa-nachas.avi':
  Duration: 00:00:14.6, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 757 kb/s
  Stream #0.0: Video: msmpeg4v2, yuv420p, 320x240, 30.00 fps(r)
Must supply at least one output file
Duration (ffmpeg): 14

Create Thumbnail - START

Creating Thumbnail with ffmpeg


/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i
/home/u7200288/allyourpix.com/video/vanessa-nachas.avi -ss 00:00:03 -t
00:00:01 -s 320x240 -r 1 -f mjpeg

/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i
/home/u7200288/allyourpix.com/video/vanessa-nachas.avi -ss 00:00:09 -t
00:00:01 -s 120x90 -r 1 -f mjpeg

/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i
/home/u7200288/allyourpix.com/video/vanessa-nachas.avi -ss 00:00:05 -t
00:00:01 -s 120x90 -r 1 -f mjpeg

/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i
/home/u7200288/allyourpix.com/video/vanessa-nachas.avi -ss 00:00:07 -t
00:00:01 -s 120x90 -r 1 -f mjpeg
Create Thumbnail with ffmpeg - END

$cmd_convert_v = convert_avi

428 $cmd_convert =

Return value:

UPDATE `process_queue` SET `status`='6' WHERE `id`='40'

ERROR: failed video conversion.