I have checked through the forum to see that my uu_default_config file is correct. It seems to be, but I am wondering if I may be having a .htaccess issue since my hosting company uses addon domains to support unlimited domains in my hosting account.

I ran into that issue with a redirection site once and I remember some problems with the Rewrite Rule, which I know little about. I'll post my uu_default_upload file below and also keep in mind that this domain is in a sub-folder of the public_html directory, called saggersonline.com.


package uu_default_config;
use strict;
use Exporter;

@uu_default_config::ISA = qw( Exporter );
@uu_default_config::EXPORT = qw($config);

use vars qw($config);

$config = {
config_file_name => 'uu_default_config',
temp_dir => 'home/shorlcom/public_html/saggersonline.com/templates_c/',
upload_dir => 'home/shorlcom/public_html/saggersonline.com/video/',
unique_upload_dir => 0,
unique_upload_dir_length => 16,
unique_file_name => 0,
unique_file_name_length => 16,
max_upload => 20971520000,
overwrite_existing_files => 0,
redirect_after_upload => 1,
redirect_url => 'http://saggersonline.com/upload.php',
redirect_using_js_html => 1,
redirect_using_html => 0,
redirect_using_js => 0,
redirect_using_location => 0,
delete_param_file => 1,
get_data_speed => 1000,
disallow_extensions => '(sh|php|php3|php4|php5|py|shtml|phtml|cgi|pl|plx| mp3|htaccess|htpasswd)',
allow_extensions => '(3gp)|(mp4)|(mov)|(asf)|(avi)|(flv)|(wmv)|(mpg)|( mpeg)|(mpeg4)|(xvid)|(divx)|(3gpp)',
normalize_file_names => 1,
normalize_file_delimiter => '_',
normalize_file_length => 32,
link_to_upload => 1,
path_to_upload => 'http://saggersonline.com/video/',
send_email_on_upload => 0,
html_email_support => 0,
link_to_upload_in_email => 0,
email_subject => 'User File Upload',
to_email_address => '[email protected],[email protected]',
from_email_address => '[email protected]',



Do you see anything that needs changing? Or, is it probably my .htaccess file?

Thanks in advance!