OK...we all would like a bridge for vShare to other applications like PHPBB, Coppermine Image Gallery, SMF and anything else, apparently this needs to be done by php somehow. Galnet is working on a bridge for SMF I think, but it's been a while (he has a life and I don't blame him), however, I want to launch a website soon that will include file sharing (not music, but saved game files). I found a file sharing script that might work like Gallery2 (Coppermine Image Gallery won't work for me because the file extensions I want to let people share is from games and Coppermine won't let them be added to the gallery---my next try is Gallery2 which I'm in the process of uploading as I write this). All I need to bridge is the log in information. I just want people to be able to use vShare and also the file share without having to log in twice.

I'd like to have a bridge between Gallery2 (or whatever else I can find that will freaking work---I'm open to suggestion) and I'd actually like to be able to learn how to do this myself so I tried googling the subject. Not having much luck.

I did, however, find this:


If anyone can figure this out (I don't know PHP or mySQL very well) and make bridges for us...I can't imagine that it's that difficult once you have the knowledge...I have the time to spend on it, but not the know-how. If someone wants to make bridges for us, or give me somewhere to go to learn how to do it (books, websites, anything) I'd be willing to provide bridges for stuff.