Ok so I read a few other topics regarding digg.com and I think they were pretty lame so here is one that will help you out.

Visit http://digg.com/tools/integrate Click on the 3. Custom Submission-Only Button link and you will be navigated to the bottom of that page with instructions to help you get better and easier submissions.

The below instructions will help you.

Open templates/view_video.tpl

Go to line 38 (or whereabouts) and replace it with
NOTE:replace &topic=TOPIC with the appropriate topic used for digg submission. Reference http://digg.com/tools/integrate#topics if you are having problems with the topic.

Now open templates/header.tpl

Go to about line 7-8 within the <head></head> tags and paste the following
<link rel="image_src" href="{$tmburl}/1_{$smarty.request.id}.jpg" />
<meta name="medium" content="video" />
The meta tag tells digg the type of content your users are digging. (This is already specified in the url but I added it anyway for good measure, so this is optional)
The link tag is submitting the first thumbnail captured for your video. (Note: Digg.com uses only about 80x80)

Now test our changes. If you are a n00b, sign up for Digg.com. Then click on the Digg Icon under your video and digg will do the rest. You just have to confirm.

I hope that helps!