
I believe it is fair to pay those who works hard on including new features to our script. This is the only way to make someone work harder to get us the best script for our biz. I'm willing to pay an additional fee for the next upgrade with some of these or all included in it....

1. Show profile photos of last five user online on homepage
exaample: http://www.flixya.com/ (on top right corner)

2.) Show friends on user profile - like myspaace and bebo does

3.) Add a blog for users to post on it like how flixya.com did theres...
example: http://www.flixya.com/post/dloadflix/88 ... nt_Everest
.......and ofcourse allowing us to add our advertisement within it like adsense

4.) A better look on user profile as far as formatting, skins etc...

I know this is too much to ask! That's why I strongly believe we should pay and additional fee for all these to REWARDS OUR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS!

Job well done on the script anyways:)
