For vShare2.6 Admin Panel Menu

This removes the logo and link to vShare at the top and replaces it with a way to view your vShare site without having to leave the administration panel. Copy and preplace the code in templates/admin/menu.tpl

<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>{$site_name} ADMINISTRATION</title>
<LINK href="{$baseurl}/templates/css/admin.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<body  leftmargin=0 rightmargin="0" topmargin=0 bottommargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0  border=0>

<td valign=top>
<div class="menu_head">PREVIEW</div>
<div id=mnpMenuTop>
<div class=mnpInherit>
<div class=mnpMenuRow>
{$site_name} Index</div>

{section name=aa loop=$MainLinks}

<div class="menu_head">{$MainLinks[aa].0}</div>

{section name=bb loop=$ChildLinks}
{ if $ChildLinks[bb].2 eq $smarty.section.aa.index }
<div class=mnpMenuRow>





<font size=2 color=#000000>Powered by: vShare</FONT>
