It would be grate if there was a download link for the videos but not from your sever but from an other server.
With that we can achieve:

  • Do not lose money from bandwidth

  • Earn 20$ for every 10.000 downloads

There is one site that allow to download with a simple java script to your account. This site is

This is the site code that allow to upload videos to your account:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
e_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
e_text = "#000000";
e_type = "605x55";
e_lang = "en"; 
e_id = "u:2935847";

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
The file code:
function S(){
	var b=window;var a=document;var d=a.location;var g=a.referrer;
	if (typeof(b.e_type)=='undefined') { b.e_type='605x55' }
	if (typeof(b.e_lang)=='undefined') { b.e_lang='en' }
	var sizearray=b.e_type.split("x");
	var s='<mode>.html?'+b.e_bgcolor+'-'+b.e_text;
	if (typeof(b.e_id)!='undefined') { s=s+'-'+b.e_id }
	a.write('<ifr'+'ame src="'+s+'" name="uploadsimple" width="'+sizearray[0]+'" height="'+sizearray[1]+'" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no"></iframe>');
My idea is to make a PHP file that call the file path from the database and upload it to the easy-share server. Then with an other code to copy the download link that the easy-share give us and store it at the future description in the vshare database.