This script will allow you to show your videos random on any site.
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>";

$dbhost = "localhost"; // hostname on which MySQL is (usally localhost)
$dbname = "your db name"; // Database name
$dbuser = "your db user"; // Username
$dbpass = "your db pass"; // Password
$webpath = "your website location";// Domain Location
$picw = "200";//Picture Width
$pich = "180";//Picture Height
$divh = "200"; //This is should always be 20+ from your picture Height example if your pic Width is set to 80 this should be set to 100.

// mysql_connect() fnction
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)
or die("Unable to connect to MySQL.");

// mysql_select_db() function
or die("Unable to connect to Database $dbname");

$sql = "Select  video_id, video_title, video_description, video_add_date, video_flv_name, video_duration from videos where video_approve=1 and video_active=1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,9";

// execute SQL Command
$res = mysql_query($sql,$conn)
or die( "Error: " . mysql_error() );

// Retrieve Results
while ($info = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
$SefUrl=strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/","-", $info[1]));

$title=str_replace("&","e", $info[1]);
$title=str_replace("\"","", $title);

$desc=str_replace("&","e", $info[2]);
$desc=str_replace("\"","'", $desc);
$desc=str_replace("<","", $desc);
$desc=str_replace(">","", $desc);

echo('<div style="width:' .$picw. ';' . 'overflow:hidden;'. 'height:' .$divh. ';' .'text-align:center;'. 'align:center;'. 'background-color:#480024;'.'link:#ffffff;'.'margin: 9px;'.'padding: 2px;'.'font-size: 15px;'.'">');  
echo('<a target ="_top" href="' . $webpath . '/view/' .$info[0]."/".$SefUrl. "/". '">'); 
echo('<IMG SRC="' . $webpath . '/thumb/' . '1_' .$info[0]. '.jpg' . '" alt=' .$title. ' '. 'border=0 width=' .$picw. ' height=' .$pich. '>'); 
echo(''.$title.'' . '</a>' ); 

//outputs path from /userspics 
echo "<url>
echo "</urlset>";

// mysql_close() function
im still working on this code but you can see it working here