ok, I have to start out by saying I love my vshare website. I'm hoping I can get all the kinks worked out. but got some questions......

my site was working flawlessly a week ago. Today, I logged on and noticed that I had 5 new people join my website but none of them had uploaded any video! So I thought that was weird if they took the time to sign up wouldn't they upload some video.

come to find out nothing is working. I'm getting 404 page not found all over the place!!

Why in the world would I all the sudden have to reinstall my .htaccess in order to get funcationality back?

I'm confused. I'm using Cirtexhosting if that makes any difference.

Also 2 of the 5 new people who signed up tried using the $5 package I setup and when I realized I didn't have $10 in my paypal I figure out why they got this error message....

what gives??!!

ERROR: Unable to execute query

UPDATE signup SET acount_status='Inactive' where UID=22
Unknown column 'acount_status' in 'field list

If anyone has any clue I'd love some help! I'm not going to start over its taken me months to get to this point and the site is not stable at all.