hi i have install the vshar clone on my site evything look goo but whne i tri to play video the video dont play .i have pay to installe this
PHP 4.4.4
Mplayer + Mencoder
Libogg + Libvorbis
LAME MP3 Encoder
every thing is installe to the ssh

but no pvideo play

on my phpinfo show the mu phpinfo in enables but i dont knwo if need to show the rest of the installation enable
http://secure.datacenterpr.net/status/i ... on=phpinfo

ffmpeg support (ffmpeg-php) enabled
ffmpeg-php version 0.5.0
libavcodec version Lavc51.40.4
libavformat version Lavf51.12.1

Directive Local Value Master Value
ffmpeg.allow_persistent 0 0

some one please help me out