Hello All-

I use Citrex Hosting like many of you and being on a shared server or Semi-Dedicated server you cannot use PHP5. As you know you need PHP 5 in order use the import Video feature inside your admin area.

Well, I have good news. After going back and forth with them there is a fix. It will cost $25, but they can fix.

You have 2 options to make it work, but really only one is worth doing. Here is my communications with them and how we resolved the issue:

I Worte:


Here is my problem! I use the software Vshare for my Video Sharing Sites. You guys are a recommended provider by them. However, the software will not work correctly unless php5 or later is being used.

Currently, your server use PHP 4 and this does not meet my needs. I am stuck as you guys are absolutely awesome, but I can't use my website correctly. I need my site to use PHP5 and not PHP4. Is there a solution. I know eventually I will be moving to a dedicated server with you guys, but probably not for 60 days or so. The problem will be fixed then, but I need to do something in the short term.

I think if you guys are going to be referred by Vshare you should have the minimums the software needs to run correctly. The problem is video uploading will not work unless it uses PHP 5 or later.

Please help!

Citrex Response:


In order to run any files in php 5, there are two options
1) Rename file from filename.php to filename.php5
2) Make a .htaccess file and add the line below into it and place it in your folder
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php

Please note installation for Vshare is $25
If you wish for us to proceed, please submit ticket to Helpdesk Support with an ATTACHMENT of the script in the email along
with your account info and domain name and where you wish for it to be installed.
Installation will be done within 24hrs.

The resolution:

I used option 2. This is what heppened. You have to update your .htaccess with a code snippet. This is nothing major. If you PM me I will share my .htaccess so you can see. Then you update in your admin panel on vshare where to access PHP 5. You will use /usr/local/php5/bin

That's it! You are done and you will now be able to import videos from Youtube via the import video inside the admin panel.

This has made a world of difference for me.

