i set all the info on the converting then i do the chron.php thing and it just says download finished and so i go to process que and click convert again then i go back to chron.php and i get this error

cronjob started
Video (51) Conversion starting...
File: /home/videonoo/public_html/video/
INSERT INTO video SET UID='2', title='Smoke Weed Every Day!', description='Smoke Weed Every Day!', keyword='Smoke Weed Every Day', channel='0|15|0', addtime='1194925438', adddate='2007-11-13', vkey='172825649', type='public', active='0', approve='0'
Video id: 66
Calling ffmpeg-php -> ffmpeg_movie()
Get video duration - START

Fatal error: Call to a member function getduration() on a non-object in /home/videonoo/public_html/include/functions_upload.php on line 177