Maby am need some help here
am need to take some tag from player.inc and use it on view_video.tpl
Am has maked the facebook enbede but Youtube will not play on use xml_playlist.php
So only the tag from player.inc works and is are {$file}
So my request are how can am use or add the tag to work in the view_video.tpl
Can anyone help me ?
In is view_video.tpl will am use the code
HTML Code:
<object width="296" height="195" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="{$base_url}/player/player.swf"><param name="movie" value="{$base_url}/player/player.swf"><param name="flashvars" value="&file={$file}&stretching=exactfit&image={$base_url}/thumb/4ca4238a0b/3.jpg&width=296&location={$base_url}/player/player.swf&height=195&skin={$base_url}/player/youtube/whotube.xml&controlbar=none&logo={$base_url}/templates/images/watermark.png&link={$base_url}&linktarget=_blank"/></object>
How can am add {$file} to temples ?