If you get 404 Not Found error, the problem may be
1. You have not uploaded .htaccess file
2. Your server do not support .htaccess
If you get 404 Not Found error, the problem may be
1. You have not uploaded .htaccess file
2. Your server do not support .htaccess
OR you are not using a domain name, but rather the default url that initially comes with your account.
In config.php you Must use "http://mydomain.com" and NOT "http://myhostingcompany.com/~username"
If it's not fun, stop doing it!
Dear admin or any other user ,
i need your help to resolve my problem.
I fallow all instructions to install the progress bar but when i upload a video im gettion a Error: 404 Not Found error.
here the screen of the problem :
how can i resolve this problem please.
It's wired it seems to be blocked (the CGI-BIN folder) i can't accec it throu the web browser it says me that i don't have permissions to go in side.
but i ve given 777 ...
any idea please ??? is there any setting to do in Cpanel to active CGI folder ??
i had a similar problem. why would I all the sudden have to upload my .htaccess when it has been there since i installed the script. it sounds like some how its getting corrupt.
Reupload Upload cgi-bin folder from orginal vshare zip file in assci mod.
Set 755 permission for cgi-bin and ubr_upload.pl
Edit ubr_upload.pl and change the $TEMP_DIR
Then Go to http://yourdomain/cgi-bin/ubr_upload.pl
You should see some thing like
If not, you need to check the permission of the file, perl script need 755 permission.
You have proper permission, still it shows 500 error, you need to contact your web host to see why Perl script is not working. If you are on cPanel server, it should work properly once you have chmod it to 755