I am able to import files from folder. But unable to import from youtube or any other site.
problem is when I try to import, the admin work screen goes blank and I only have menu panel on left.
Please help me to import the videos
I am able to import files from folder. But unable to import from youtube or any other site.
problem is when I try to import, the admin work screen goes blank and I only have menu panel on left.
Please help me to import the videos
Hopefully so - I doubt Cirtex will change PHP versions just for me.get_headers() is a function available in PHP 5 only. We will check if there is a way to do this in PHP 4.
Is there an apache handler that i can set for that one function?
Cirtex claim that they run PHP4 + 5
Have tried adding this
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php5 .php
to .htaccess but it simply won't allow me a login in admin once I try to access the upload function
similarly renaming upload_video.php to .php5 which would make that page run in php5 causes a 404 (which is expected I guess)
I did the upgrade and everything looks fine but when I try to do an import from YouTube it jsut says
Your video is currently being processed and will be available to view in a few minutes.
and then never does anything else.. and its jsut a music video..
What do I need to do to get this to work..
Exactly. Nothing is happening.
It just says:
Your video is currently being processed and will be available to view in a few minutes.
What is supposed to happen afterwards? Is the screen supposed to change?
I don't see any video on my site.
That is what it is supposed to do. If you check your Process Queue you should see your videos sitting their and hopefully by now completely processed.
If your videos are not processed you have a problem. If it has been completely processed and you cannot see the video on your site make sure you have approved this video in your admin panel.
i uploaded a 30mb file.. and even after a half an hour nothing.. and I have auto approve on..
What is the status in process queue ?Originally Posted by sealerman
Do you have setup cronjob ?
My queue says download finished.
But nothing appears.
What is the problem?
wow, still no response.
Is there a readme file with this update? My installation came pre-installed with this, so I don't know what the problem is.
I think there should be more help with this little import package update. (i.e. steps on what should happen, what the screens should say, etc.)
Looks like I am going to have to uninstall, and go with the forum route .. I can't use this if the import don't work...and there seems to be very little response here.....
CAn someone please respond soon..?