The only thing there is that he is using a different player, so there may be some differences. I've never used Agriya, so I'm not sure. I've got another player that Wiigle was kind enough to bump my way, so I've been thinking of playing with that to see if I can get something going.

I've still been considering buying a copy of flashads to see if it will hook into vshare, but I hate to throw out $150 on it without knowing whether or not it will work. Now if someone could decompile it and get it to work with vshare and then sell copies for 35 each, that might be worthwhile.

Quote Originally Posted by Whistler
We need to get this thing done one way or another, but obviously there doesn't seem to be enough momentum behind it yet.
That is what is amazing to me. Judging from pageviews on the different threads it is discussed, it is surely one of the topics that generates more interest. I'm not sure why more people dont come to say 'yes admin, we would love it if you could find a way to do this'.