How about the possibility to set different subscription packages to allow users to view a certain amount of videos?
For instance, "bronze package" allows a user to view 10 videos a day
"gold package" allows a user to view 25 videos a day
How about the possibility to set different subscription packages to allow users to view a certain amount of videos?
For instance, "bronze package" allows a user to view 10 videos a day
"gold package" allows a user to view 25 videos a day
Okay well I see that there is something like this with the "Guest Limit" but how about applying a "Limit" variable on each of the packages as well?
If you could also add the option of a package to be able to download or not, that would also be good 8)
So like
Bronze Package:
Enable downloads? yes/no
And while we're on the subject of packages, how about variables for whether they can have an Avatar, list their website, send/receive PMs/etc?
Right now the packages seems to be focused towards making people pay to *host* videos but some sites (like mine) will be run where it's more based on viewing videos, and people that host videos are active contributors (that shouldnt have to pay)