Just uploaded the sitemap to google. We'll see how it goes. Quick question, though autodafe. Are your videos indexed in Google Video, or just the normal google search?
Just uploaded the sitemap to google. We'll see how it goes. Quick question, though autodafe. Are your videos indexed in Google Video, or just the normal google search?
Google indexed my video pages pretty well.
They are indexed in Google only, not Google Video
AFAIK to get videos indexed in Google Videos you have to put them in Google Video or Youtube(but i might be wrong...)
Google Video switched its protocol a few months ago and claims its mission is to index every video on the web. But I think their technology isn't as good as it should be, cause it definitely doesn't recognize my video pages as videos. I wish I knew how to get them listed on Google Video...my site primarily hosts movie trailers, which would get a ton of hits if they were listed in Google Video.
Yeah, I know that Google is moving towards "Universal Search" as they call it...
wht don't you put some trailers or "teasers" on Google Videos, with your watermark or your link in it to attract visitors and to "brand" your site? i did this on YouTube, Google, Dailymotion and al the major video sharing sites...it works..
Yeah, I was doing that for a while, but I got bored with it. It would be so much nicer if google would just index my videos without me going through all that work.