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Thread: WMV Files

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default WMV Files

    Dear Sir,

    I have seen a lot of thread regarding my problem. I have seen that other videos are converting fine while i could not get WMV files converted.

    I have followed your instructions and created following pages and it seems they are working fine but files are not converting.


    $path = "/home/XXXXX/public_html/video/137.wmv";
    $mov = new ffmpeg_movie($path);
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "
    getDuration: "        . $mov->getDuration() .
    getFrameCount: "      . $mov->getFrameCount() .
    getFrameRate: "       . $mov->getFrameRate() .
    getFilename: "        . $mov->getFilename() .
    getComment: "         . $mov->getComment() .
    getTitle: "           . $mov->getTitle() .
    getAuthor: "          . $mov->getAuthor() .
    getCopyright: "       . $mov->getCopyright() .
    getArtist: "          . $mov->getArtist() .
    getGenre: "           . $mov->getGenre() .
    getTrackNumber: "     . $mov->getTrackNumber() .
    getYear: "            . $mov->getYear() .
    getFrameHeight: "     . $mov->getFrameHeight() .
    getFrameWidth: "      . $mov->getFrameWidth() .
    getPixelFormat: "     . $mov->getPixelFormat() .
    getBitRate: "         . $mov->getBitRate() .
    getVideoBitRate: "    . $mov->getVideoBitRate() .
    getAudioBitRate: "    . $mov->getAudioBitRate() .
    getAudioSampleRate: " . $mov->getAudioSampleRate() .
    getVideoCodec: "      . $mov->getVideoCodec() .
    getAudioCodec: "      . $mov->getAudioCodec() .
    getAudioChannels: "   . $mov->getAudioChannels() .
    hasAudio: "           . $mov->hasAudio();

    $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/mencoder /home/XXXXX/public_html/video/137.wmv -o /home/XXXXX/public_html/flvideo/137.flv -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:last_pred=3 -srate 22050 -lavfopts i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames";
    $last_line = system($cmd, $retval);
    echo '
    <hr />Last line of the output: ' . $last_line . '
    <hr />Return value: ' . $retval;
    Best Regards.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re:

    Dear Sir,

    For more information i have tried this and its working fine from command.

    root@imageleet [/home/XXXXX/public_html/video]# /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i 140.wmv -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv 140a.flv
    FFmpeg version SVN-r9083, Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
      configuration: --prefix=/usr/local --cross-compile --enable-libmp3lame --enable-shared --extra-cflags=-DHAVE_LRINTF --enable-libvorbis --enable-xvid --enable-libogg --enable-gpl --disable-debug --disable-ffserver --disable-ffplay --enable-libamr-nb
      libavutil version: 49.4.0
      libavcodec version: 51.40.4
      libavformat version: 51.12.1
      built on Jun 12 2007 10:37:41, gcc: 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-8)
    Seems stream 1 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 1000.00 (1000/1) -> 30.00 (30/1)
    Input #0, asf, from '140.wmv':
      Duration: 00:00:26.3, start: 5.000000, bitrate: 393 kb/s
      Stream #0.0: Audio: wmav2, 32000 Hz, stereo, 48 kb/s
      Stream #0.1: Video: wmv2, yuv420p, 320x240, 302 kb/s, 30.00 fps(r)
    Output #0, flv, to '140a.flv':
      Stream #0.0: Video: flv, yuv420p, 320x240, q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 30.00 fps(c)
      Stream #0.1: Audio: mp3, 22050 Hz, stereo, 0 kb/s
    Stream mapping:
      Stream #0.1 -> #0.0
      Stream #0.0 -> #0.1
    Press [q] to stop encoding
    Compiler did not align stack variables. Libavcodec has been miscompiled
    and may be very slow or crash. This is not a bug in libavcodec,
    but in the compiler. Do not report crashes to FFmpeg developers.
    frame=  776 fps=348 q=15.7 Lsize=    1176kB time=25.9 bitrate= 372.3kbits/s
    video:874kB audio:204kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 8.966162%
    root@imageleet [/home/XXXXX/public_html/video]#
    Best Regards.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Can you show the modified convert.php file for better WMV conversion.

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