I want to use bbcode to embed videos in posts on my forums phpBB3using the embed link I can get the video thumb to show in a post so I'm thinking just modifying the embed link with a place to add your link would work.

using {text} we should be able to edit the following embedded video link and alter it to show your linked video. How would this be done????

Obviously we need to replace a link with {text} in the following but I can't seem to get it.

<object width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://woodlawnvideos.com/player/player.swf"><param name="movie" value="http://woodlawnvideos.com/player/player.swf"><param name="flashvars" value="&file=http://woodlawnvideos.com/xml_playlist.php?id=3&height=350&image=http://woodlawnvideos.com/thumb/4ca4238a0b/3.jpg&width=425&location=http://woodlawnvideos.com/player/player.swf&logo=http://woodlawnvideos.com/templates/images/watermark.gif&link=http://www.woodlawnvideos.com&linktarget=_blank"/></object>

I also want to thank the authors of this script for a very good working script. I was using another script and all they did was blame my server for the errors. I purchased this script and had it working within 1/2 hour with no changes to my server.:cool: