Alot of my users say that when they try to reset their password.. the generated password does not work for them. I have to delete their account and let them resign up to get it working. Can anyone help me?
Alot of my users say that when they try to reset their password.. the generated password does not work for them. I have to delete their account and let them resign up to get it working. Can anyone help me?
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I have had a couple of people email me something similar. I would not delete them out though. Try to manually change the password in the database and then tell them the new one. Maybe that will work. You can check it yourself to make sure it works before you email them.
I cant find any users in the database. I have thousands of members, but no ids or passwords. Where is this information hidden at?
It isn't hidden at all. They are in the "signup" table of your database.
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