I have been trying to reorganize my right.tpl file. It just makes more sense to me (personally) to have most recent users at the top of the page. I also like polls below that, and then recent tags, plus I want to take out the site stats because I don't really care for the world to know that there are only 20 user accounts right now.

I thought this would be very simple to rearrange, but when I tried it, everything came out funky. I reverted back to the original and tried again, and got a different kind of funky.

Part of the problem is that the code wasn't really well organized to see how the tables relate to each other, so I took some time to organize it so that I can better see where to split it apart at, to make sure I dont get a funky outcome three times in a row. When doing this, I found a couple of sections where it looks like there are some missing tags in the html.

The first is during the section for viewing poll results. Here is the code:

<div id=divviewvresult>
<table border=0 >
<table id=tblViewVote width=100%>
<td class=text_yellow>
<A HREF="javascript:void(0)" style="text-decoration:none" onClick="viewVote({$poll_id})">
View current status
<table id="tblViewVoteResult" border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class="text_blue"></table>

What seems to be missing to me is a TD and /TD tag. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there should be a <td> after the first <tr>, and a </td> just before the last </tr> in this snippet of code.

The other one comes just below this section. The code is:

<table id="tblVoteResult" border=0 width=100% bgcolor="#E4E4E4" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<table id="tblVoteResult2" border=0 width=100%M color=#FF6600>


It looks to me like there is a missing <TR> tag, which should come right after the </TR> at the start of the code snippet.

I've also discovered that there are more </table> tags in this file than what there are <table> tags, but I think some of these are carried over from the other tpl files.