Nice. I'm not seeing the spill-over so it looks as though you may have fixed it.
Yeah, if you are using the swiper, the embed codes that get created by it have fixed widths hard coded. You'll have to change them in the database to fix. Fortunately, SQL is such a powerful language that you can actually do it quite easily without having to change each video. For future note, you can actually do this massively using the following (works best from phpmyadmin):
update video set embed_code=replace(embed_code, 'height=\"OLD_HEIGHT_HERE\"', 'height=\"NEW_HEIGHT_HERE\"');
update video set embed_code=replace(embed_code, 'width=\"OLD_WIDTH_HERE\"', 'height=\"NEW_WIDTH_HERE\"');
Note: From the "SQL" section of phpmyadmin, you can actually run both commands at the same time. Just copy them both in. This will change every video that you have embedded from the swiper into your site at once.
Speaking of the swiper, is it down for you as well? I'm not able to connect to it.