I have a Problem..
I translate vShare in my language Greek..
I change language folder by editing include/config.php
$language = "gr";
I create a copy of the folder "en" and name it "gr" and translate all the files to greek
edit the template files and change it to my language greek...
In index page the changes are made http://i45.tinypic.com/1roygx.jpg but in other pages when I try to edit in my language not show.. eg in upload page I edit upload.tpl file and now the page seems so http://i47.tinypic.com/343qjjl.jpg
Also In rating video area have problem with the language seems so http://i47.tinypic.com/105uvj6.jpg while I did the translation in the specified file lang_video_rating.php
can someone help me in this???